
Dallas ITE Scholarship Impact

See the companies and organizations supporting this year's efforts towards our scholarship fund:

2024 Sponsors

Why are Scholarships so Important?

For students completing 2 or 4 years of college, it may seem impossible to pay for or deal with college tuition. The average cost of college in the United States is $35,551 per student per year, including tuition and fees. In total, students pay an average of $400,000 for a bachelor's degree, considering student loan interest and loss of income.

College costs have doubled in the 21st century, growing by around 7% annually. But college is an important step for students who want to advance their professional careers and increase their academic opportunities. While the financial burden may be daunting, scholarships can significantly decrease college tuition and lessen the need for student loans. (, 2024)

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No Strings Attached

Students are able to pursue their education with minimized debt. Our scholarships contribute towards the affordability of college without any strings attached!

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Access to Education

Scholarships provide vital financial support, enabling students from diverse backgrounds to access higher education opportunities across the nation.

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Industry Exposure

Recipients gain valuable exposure to their chosen field of study through scholarship opportunities that emphasize or focus on a specific industry.

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Open New Doors

Scholarship opportunities help reduce the economic barriers that often prevent talented individuals from pursuing their academic goals. They open new doors for all!

What Our Dallas ITE Members Have to Say About Our Scholarship Impact

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Click on the icon to the left or select the 'Register' tab at the top ribbon of this page to register you and/or your organization to partake in a fun golfing experience where the proceeds go towards our direct community in supporting the future of transportation engineering and planning! We hope you consider participating in this year's annual tournament.

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